J&A Bayou Lil NewOrleans
Where Y'at!!!

Cooking Classes Dates, Times and Location:
Next class TBD
JA Lil New Orleans Restaurant
1082 N. Brindlee Moun. Pkwy Arab Al 35016

A cooking party is a great opportunity to get together with friends. Cooking all alone in your kitchen can seem like a chore, especially if you aren't particularly gifted -- or interested -- in the culinary arts. But when you invite a few friends over and turn it into a party, suddenly cooking becomes a lot more fun and be apart of the special classes available!
Schedule your classes anytime in your area. Classes are available based on Occanpany and availality
There are a lot of reasons to host a cooking party. You can throw one for your child's birthday, or use the party as a team-building exercise for your employees. It's also a great way to celebrate the beginning of summer, or an excuse to visit with your neighbors.
Recipes will be seasonal based holidays and product availablity.
Call or book your classes by eventbrite, groupon, email or phone call.
Major Credit cards accepted upon reciept.

Pass Classes
Jones Valley February Class at Hobby Lobby
Look forward to the next class at:
VB Hobby Lobby:
March 21, 2020
5:30pm to 7:30pm

Pass Classes
Albertville Hobby:
April 10th 2020
6pm to 8pm
New Menu will be availiable soon!